Videosync Alpha Testing (Sign up here)

Hi there!

If you’d like to help us with testing and speeding up the development of Videosync, then please make yourself known in this topic. You will then be given access to the Videosync Alpha forum where you can download the Alpha application and discuss related issues.

Many thanks from the team


Hi Showsync team!
Ive been trying out Videosync with the License I got as Ableton Certified Trainer (thank you for that!), and would also love to try out Beam!
Ill be happy to try the beta releases and give you feedback.

Pedro Itan

I would like to beta videosync, looks awesome!

Hi there Jean-Paul,

Definitely open to trying the Beta version of Showsync.
Let me know what I can do to receive the download.

With kind regards,


Hey Robin! It should be accessible for you now. Currently there is no newer beta than the current release out yet, but once there is we’ll let you know!

Great Thanks Jean-Paul! Looking forward!
Warm regards, Robin

it’s been slow, but i am still chipping away at a Videosync project. I would love to help Beta test.


Hey Chris, thanks for joining! The Beta forum should be accessible for you now.

Ok Cool

Hey Jean-Paul, mi VidéoSync doesn’t want to connect anymore since the new update
Why ?
It was ok Before
help me plz

Thx Laurent Wolf

Hey Laurent,

What version of macOS, Ableton Live and Videosync are you on? We’ve had some reports of issues with updating to Videosync 0.9.7 (mainly on macOS Sierra). If you’d like to go back to 0.9.6 for the time being, you can download the installer here .

Hi, I would love to trial the latest Beta version of Video Sync, loving the version i have now and eager to see whats in store ahead! Cheers, Mat

Hey Mat, thanks! You should have access now.

1 Like

Hi Thx Jean Paul

This morning I was testing your new version with Live 11
They remove the Save button ? how can I do now, because when I’m warping the clip
the vidéo disappear
Do u have a solution for me ?

Hey Laurent,

The Save button has a new exterior and location in Live 11:


Ah Super
Thx a lot Cool
Here a link of my show because of you
Good job Jean-Paul, I really like and enjoy Vidéosync

Laurent Wolf


Hi guys is there a way to have Ableton in full screen mode and have the main video viewing screen appear over the top (in full screen mode it is pushed underneath out of sight)? I have ‘always on top’ ticked in the properties within the tab but it will only sit on top if i minimise the screen in Ableton. I realise this may be am Ableton function i need to change so apologies if i have missed something!



Looks great good job!

Hi Jean-Paul

On only one session mi FPS drop down to 15 FPS, on the others sessions no
Any advice ? do u have a idea why ?
Live 11 - Big sur - Videosync 0.9.8

Hi - i am beta testing 100VJ and LED Lab ios App and have an EboSuite license. Would love to help improve Videosync. I can comfirm one crash so far and have some feature requests. Cheers