Why there is a " Demo " still on my videosync

Hi, There :

I did buy the videosync 1.1.3 weeks before. When I try it , all title about file is display about "videosync demo " and the “Demo” logo always fly left and right when I play the video.

What’s wrong with it ? Is it a demo version ? But I thought it should be the right version.

Any one can tell me .

Many Thanks

Hi Eric!

It sounds like you still have to activate your license in the Preferences window of Videosync.

To clarify: there are no different “versions” of Videosync. After downloading and installing Videosync, it will simply run in trial mode indefinitely until you activate a license. After purchasing a license you should receive an email with the license key. Use this and your email address to activate your license in the Preference window:

Let me know if this helps.