Videosync not able to show fullscreen

My videosync window is not showing fullscreen anymore. ‘View’ options in menu bar are greyed out and double clicking does not work. It was working before.
Restarted macbook but no change.
Any ideas?

Hi there!

I think this could be because you have disabled the Border for the window, on the Video tab of the Settings window? The only way to resize a border-less window is by using the numboxes on the Video tab of Videosync’s Settings window.

I’m not too invested in this area personally, but I think when the border is enabled, macOS just handles these kind of interactions automatically for us. Removing the border overrides that default behavior. Same thing seems to apply when enabling “Always on Top”: it overrides native OS behavior and therefor using a shortcut like CMD+F doesn’t work.

Yes this seems to solve it. I have ‘Always on top’ unchecked and ‘Border’ checked an now I’m able to toggle full screen by double clicking and view menu again. Thanks!