autostart Videosync when you open an Ableton project that has Videosync plugins or videos in general already in the session.
right click on any video file on the computer and have the option to open with Videosync/ableton
allow simpler to play audio if it is original part of the video
allow arrangement view to be able to reverse and fade video.
keyer - would be nice if the color picker window could open in the device and not floating.
Thanks for the suggestions Richard! They are much appreciated.
Auto starting: We’d prefer to avoid launching other processes (like Videosync) from Max for Live, as we think it’s not a good practice to do so, so it’s unlikely we’ll implement something like that. An alternative we could offer is to make a custom utility device that does what you want. You could then add it to your Live Set or make it part of a template so that Videosync launches automatically whenever this specific plugin is used.
Right clicking; This isn’t something we can do, as we can’t determine what Live will do with a video file like that. On top of that, what is it exactly that you’d want Live to do with the video? Where should the clip go? Session View? Arrangement View? Simpler? On what channel?
Simpler audio: A solution for this is on our wish list.
Reverse/Fade: We would like this, but these are limitations of Live. Bear in mind that Live converts any video file into an audio file automatically when it has to (re)render a file, for example when consolidating, cropping or reversing a clip.
Keyer: We will look into a more elegant solution for this.
Another Idea to make a dedicated “video channel strip”
- (video track). when adding this to the session it will allow the fades and reverse and processing of video as well as all your already made devices. Videotrack can handle audio as well.
this could keep it neat and tidy making all the development funnel into a single channel strip
I understand that you will still need the permissions to access these areas in Ableton. but for future “video track” would be cool.
I just want to bump a feature request mentioned above: a video Simpler device that also plays the audio of the video. It kinda feels like the next obvious evolution for VideoSync. I’ve made a “combo Simplr” rack that just stacks the video and audio Simplrs in the meantime, but any changes have to be made to each device manually.
Generally I also think VideoSync could use a more robust FX device list. Zwobot has some real gems, and could be used as inspiration. Loving VideoSync, btw!
would be sweet to have a dancing oscilliscope plugin for video sync
this one is very nice in max for live. DENPA Oscilloscope version 2.0 by DENPA on maxforlive.com
something that spits out visuals reacting to realtime like this would be fun
some key things that would be great to see in Videosync:
- the ability to export 1 to 1 quality of video and audio together
- audio in the simpler device to chop audio and video together
- videosync mapping device to map video to real life objects
would be slick to have the Videosync application in live’s browser to open it from there.