Videosync doesn't see OBS Virtual Camera

Virtual camera works good in other apps, but Videosync simply doesn’t see it.

Hi Haru,

We were able to get OBS Virtual Camera to appear in External In using the solution written on this page. Obviously it would be nicer if Videosync would handle this more elegantly, so I’ll add a ticket to see if we can improve this.

Thanks! It works like a charm!

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Hi there, i used this workaround to sign the Canon EOS Webtool Kit to Videosync and it worked fine. Since i updated to Version 1.3, the Cam is again not noticed by videosync and trying this workaround today results in an Error: /yourapppath/ internal error in Code Signing subsystem. I’m not very used to the terminal, so i’m stuck here - if you maybe have some ideas, it would be nice. By the way: the link to the OBS page is not available anymore and gives 404. I documented the steps so i can copy it here for people to use (replace yourapppath is the folder of your apps):

Xcode-select --install
sudo codesign --remove-signature “/yourapppath/”
sudo codesign --sign - “/yourapppath/”

But as mentioned, for me it does not work anymore.
Lot’s of greetings.

Thanks for informing us!

Strange that the OBS article now returns a 404. Not sure what changes may have happened in the meantime. Will have to investigate this and get back to you once we know more.

Turns out that work has been done to improve OBS Virtual Camera compatibility with OBS 30, which is still in beta at the time of writing this. You can download the current latest beta from the bottom of this page.

After installing and setting all the permissions for OBS (as usual), the Virtual Camera showed up again as available input device in Videosync’s External In device. No extra manual tinkering required.

So it looks like no work needs to be done anymore on our side either; OBS seems to handle the Virtual Camera much more graciously from v30 onwards.

Hi Jean-Paul, thank you very much. I followed your steps and it works, the OBS virtual cam is shown again as external Device in “External In” module of videosync.

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