In the demo for BEAM 2.0, the song Hooked from ZINK is the audio. It looks like the BEAM programming has been done manually, in other words the MIDI clips for the lights are not triggered by the audio - I am not sure this statement is correct. I would like to find a way to trigger the lights by the sound of the music. I can imagine that for music tracks that are MIDI, one could copy the MIDI signals into another track, and use that second track for the BEAM clip driving the lights. Is there a better way of doing this? Many thx in advance. Petervan
Hi @Petervan,
In the 2.0 Demo Set by ZINK / @miro lights are indeed triggered by MIDI notes independent from the audio track, which is just a stereo mixdown.
However, you can easily route notes from a MIDI track controlling e.g. a synth into another track controlling lights, using the same MIDI notes for both (which MIDI note triggers a specific fixture is determined in the Fixture Patch). Here is an example:
You could also e.g. map amplitude values of audio to lighting parameters using Envelope Follower:
Thanks @Luka
This is what I was looking for.
Have a great day
mapping aplitude values. what is the advantage of this over drawing midi notes quantized to the beat? I have a “4 on the floor” strobe effect saved as a sample preset that i can drag an drop onto the timelin when i want this effect. is there CPU advantages to this approach. also when you put it with a full set of music will it BOG down the system?