(time-sensitive) CITP address not recognized - Beam for Live

I recently downloaded Beam for Live 2 onto our computer in the sound lab I’m working in and deleted it after realizing our lighting fixtures weren’t yet compatible (I put in a request). However, now none of our lights are responding to Beam for Live and Beam gives an error that says it can’t connect to the CITP when it’s opened. Please help, we just started a week-long project in here and now none of our lights are working! I believe we’re using ArtNet to communicate with DMX box via ethernet right now.


Hey! Can you share the error that Beam gives you? I’m also curious what your configuration in the Inputs/Outputs window is. Perhaps you can make a few screenshots so we can take a look.

As for the fixture profile, please check your inbox.

The error is no longer coming up, but it was something about not connecting to the CITP.

*but it still won’t connect with our lights. Also now an error comes up saying “Error while creating output: Unknown output device type.” Also, after now redownloading Beam 2 to install the fixture profile, I get an error with Beam 1 that says “Error: cannot connect to WebSocket”

You probably saw:

Error while creating output: Unknown output device type CITP

This is something that shows up in Beam for Live 1 when you run it after you have been running Beam for Live 2, using CITP Visualizer Output. Both versions use the same I/O configuration file, so when you run Beam for Live 1 afterwards, CITP Visualizer Output will still be there, but as this is not a supported feature in Beam for Live 1, it doesn’t know what to do with it. To get rid of the error message, (re)select the Output device in Beam for Live 1’s Preferences.

Also, after now redownloading Beam 2 to install the fixture profile, I get an error with Beam 1 that says “Error: cannot connect to WebSocket”

Are you by any chance trying to run both Beam for Live 1 and 2 simultaneously? This is not supported and could be the cause of this issue.

*but it still won’t connect with our lights.

Could you please:

  • Specify the version of Beam you are using here. If you only stick with one version for now it will be easier for us to help you out. I would either way recommend just going with Beam for Live 2 for new projects, Beam for Live 1 will be deprecated.

  • Share a screenshot of the Inputs/Outputs window. Have you added Art-Net outputs for each universe used in your Fixture Patch?

  • Check your networking settings. Your computer’s network interface used to connect to the Art-Net node needs to have an IP address in the same range as the node (2.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x), as well as a matching subnet mask (most commonly

  • Share your Fixture Patch.

That was the error! The IP address was incorrect; I have since solved it with the people at ENTTEC. Thank you very much!

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