I have installed the B4L trial version
If I run the demo project, i can see parameters moving in the monitor, and the simulation is working properly in the simulator
then i start a new Live project and a new B4L setup
I add the output device (a USB to DMX interface) - I see in the control panel of the software
I create a fixture (i have generated a new fixture with the online utility)
Then i add a “par” device in the Live project to a midi clip, butit always says “disconnected” and i can’t see any fixture in the drop down menu
I have searched in the forum and i can see there is not any Max for Live istance in background
It sounds like you’re on the right track, but skipping one important step. I recommend taking a look at this page in the manual.
When adding your fixtures to the patch, you will also have to assign them a Tag. The Tag is what you ultimately select from the menu inside the instruments in Live. Without any assigned Tags in your Fixture Patch, the menu in the instruments will keep displaying “Disconnected”.
DOH and consider that i have read that page 45437589375983758934 times!
But that is what can be called “selective miscomprehention”
Thank you very much i will try and, if I can say in a polite way, I suggest to make that field mandatory so you can’t consider the fix as created without tagging it.