Syphon output probs

I’m having problems seeing Syphon output in another software (Isadora) using a set-up that I regularly use, with no recent updates at either end. I have checked the output check-boxes, and the Videosync outputs are clearly received by Syphon Recorder and OBS.

Probably the problem is not with Videosync, but can you think of any reason why the Videosync output might not be received by another software?

It’s sudden and inexplicable. I am also exploring it with Isadora help, too…

In Videosync’s Settings window on the Video tab, under Syphon Video Settings, is Output Alpha enabled or disabled? Does it make a difference?

thanks, but no it doesn’t. Unless I need to restart for those changes to take effect?

But I share your feeling that is the source of the problem. VDMX5 was Syphoned successfully to the same Isadora project.

But OBS and Syphon Recorder see the Videosync output without a problem.

also i have tried on Beta and Alpha versions. Same problem.

…so I’ve been talking with the people at Isadora. No solution yet. May I ask which version of Syphon Videosync uses? The only thing we could guess was older/newer versions of Syphon.

Hey Rob, the Syphon framework we’re using is a couple of years old. I can send you an Alpha build that updates Syphon to include their latest changes.

thanks. installed and tested, still nothing coming through. perhaps it’s Isadora who are running an older Syphon…

Hmm, too bad - let me know if you hear anything from Isadora that we could check

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…is it possible that someone from Showsync/Videosync can talk with L Wilson Spiro at Isadora…? This is being flagged as an ‘unresolved Ableton issue’ on the Isadora forum, but I’m not sure…

The situation: Isadora is currently (suddenly) not able to receive video from the Videosync Syphon outputs (Main, Return A-C…) although it recognises them as named inputs in the selection menu of the device. To confuse things further, Syphon Recorder DOES see the Videosync output. OBS works fine, too. And Isadora can receive Syphon from another source - VDMX (various versions).

I had an online discussion with LWS where we ran through all the obvious (and less obvious) output preferences, etc, and I have restarted and tested recent versions of both softwares.

This is as much as I can do to test it. There don’t seem to be any other Videosync users on the Isadora forum, so I can only make limited comparisons.

It would be possible for someone at Videosync to check with an unlicensed version of Isadora. Equally, I think it would be possible for Isadora to perform a similar test using Videosync. If I had another computer I would do this.

It’s bugging me beyond just wanting to get video between the two softwares. It’s inexplicable.

L W-S goes under ‘Woland’ on the forum:

if anyone wants to follow up on this the best contact is: