SingleNoteGrabber and ESP32, ESP12E

Hi, I’m building an wireless controller using ESP32 and ESP12E, but I’m getting some trouble in converting OSC mesages to midi notes using SingleNoteGrabber. As you guys can see in the image below, the GrabberReceiver gets the OSC mesage by the ESP board, and the SingleNoteGrabber receive the mesage as well, but it does not create a midi note as expected.single

Here is the structure of my osc mesage:

void loop() {
OSCMessage msg(“/1/push4”);
Udp.beginPacket(outIp, outPort);

Hi fbrenomoura, thanks for posting your question.

From your code snippet, it looks like you are sending a note with velocity 0.

Could you instead try adding a message argument with an integer of 127? Assuming there is an instrument on your track, the instrument should play a C3 with full velocity.

Actually, it looks like you are sending a string.

Without knowing the language that the ESP32 uses, perhaps you could try msg.add(127) instead.

Btw this only creates a note ON, you’ll probably also want to send a note OFF. My guess is that should look something like this:

void loop() {

OSCMessage msg("/1/push4");
Udp.beginPacket(outIp, outPort);


Udp.beginPacket(outIp, outPort);


First of all, thank you for your help Mattijs but it did not work at all, as you can see in the image, singlenote still receive the mesage but not generate an midi note, in fact when I use TouchOSC in my android phone it works well, but not with my ESP boards.grabber2

It worked! Thank you! This project is from scientific purposes in my university in Brazil, I will give all the credits for LiveGrabber as well. Again thank you!

Happy to hear that!

If you end up publishing about the project it would be great if you could send us a link, we’re always interested to see what users do with our software.

Of course I will send it to you guys!
