Is anyone using this for a live show consistantly? If so, How is everyone creating set lists? I created a set with 6 songs on one arrangement view timeline. it is all functioning properly, tempo changes and all. but as you can imagine it takes a while to open the set and im scared maybe the CPU load is higher. what are your methods for playing an entire set of music?
Hey Caleb! I’d say that ideally you want all your tracks that you may want to perform to be in the same Live Set, so you that you will never have to load another Live Set during the performance.
To be able to work with one Live Set with lots of songs, keeping the CPU load as well as RAM usage minimal should always be a focus point while making performance Live Sets:
Keep an eye on the Activity Monitor (Mac) or Task Manager (Windows) to see if it’s indeed the CPU that is a bottleneck, or the lack of available RAM.
Render to audio as many channels as you can from the production Live Sets, and only keep the MIDI tracks that you want to be able to play during the performance.
In your performance Live Set, replace plug-ins with Live’s native devices where ever possible.
If you are you using heavy VST instruments, consider resampling their output and playing the samples using Live’s Sampler device instead.