Hello there,
I just download ShowSync and I’m just looking at the first tutorial, read a bit of the manual and I had to stop cause as soon as I put my clip (Session View) on loop Mode, the video disappears and the ShowSync window remains black…
I saved my clip when I made some new markers…
Just to be sure, clicking the little ‘save’ button in the Clip View does not solve to problem? See the ‘Warping and looping’ section in our manual for more information: Videosync Support | Showsync
If it doesn’t help, could you maybe share an example Live Set with me? A Live Set containing one video files that has this problem would be perfect. I’ll need to reproduce this problem here to find out what’s going on. You can send the Live Set to firstcontact@showsync.com
This was a bug in 0.9.3. The problem seems to be caused by closing the Videosync Output window. There is a temporary fix in place in 0.9.4; closing the Output window will now prompt the user that Videosync will shut down when the window is closed.
We realise this isn’t a perfect solution, so we’ll work on a better fix for a future release.