Problem of disconnexions


I use beam for live, I just updated Beam from 1.5.2 to 1.6.3, and since then i experience regular and unpredictable disconnexions between Beam and my light devices. Suddenly the lights don’t move anymore, Beam seems ok, the output is ok, Ableton (Live 11) seems ok, no problem in the midi settings. And i have to quit and re open Beam to make the lights run again…

Could it be the update that somehow created a problem ? I work on a Mac mini M4 running on Sonoma.

Could you send me the 1.5.2 version of Beam so I can go back to the previous configuration that worked ok ?

Could you help me understand where the problem come from ?

Thank you very much !


Hi Noemie, are you still experiencing these issues after upgrading from an Open DMX interface to an Art-Net node, using Beam 1.6.3?

Hi Luka,
No, no more issues since i use an Art Net node, I use Beam 1.6.3 and also I replaced the Generic plug-ins, I didn’t do it before. Now everything works smoothly ! Thank you for your wise advices and your reactive help ! :slightly_smiling_face: