M1 Macbook closed but staying hot

Hi there. I’m running VS 243 and Live 11.3.35 under OS 12.7.1 on a MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2021), Apple M1 Pro, 16 GB. It does not seem possible to close the laptop for a proper nap when VS & Live are open, since the enclosure stays hot to the touch. It does not crash and when I reopen the Macbook I have to log in as usual. I can reproduce this every time, irrespective of the project I’m working on. It is quite unpractical and shortens the lifespan of the device. Can you have a look at it? Thnx! JB

Hey JB

  • Do you have an external monitor connected to your machine when you close the lid?
  • If you lock your screen before you close the lid, does this make any difference?

OK thnx, Jean-Paul. I will postpone further posting on the subject since I need to do more research now I did not have any trouble with it this morning !!!