Loaded projects not sending signal


I recently bought and brought beam to do a show. It worked perfectly fine when I was creating the shows. I created a timecoded set and a project where I would trigger lights from session view.

When I pulled up to my gig, to my horror all my lights did not work. I tried loading both shows and nothing was sending to beam. I used the command+3 view to see if any signal was being sent and nothing was sending.

I restarted Beam, reloaded my projects, restarted ableton, and my MacBook multiple times.

I resorted to just turning the lights to sound active and spent the entire gig trying to get my projects to trigger. I noticed if I started a completely new project and loaded instruments and started hitting midi notes I started seeing signal, but right when I saved and tried reloading the show, nothing was being sent.

Am I missing something? This was a major bummer I spent weeks preparing lights for this show only to have to revert to sound active lights and sitting there regretting my beam purchase.

The weeks leading up to this I had no problem opening projects and getting it working.

I did not update my OS or Beam within this time.

I decided to try and reinstall Beam and that got it to work again. Unfortunately it was after everything was over and I’m really bummed out, but now I have it working again.

Hi Jon,

I’m so sorry this happened…! I don’t know what caused it but obviously it’s something we’d like to understand better so we can prevent it from happening again.

I noticed if I started a completely new project and loaded instruments and started hitting midi notes I started seeing signal, but right when I saved and tried reloading the show, nothing was being sent.

This might be a lead that could help us reproduce the issue. With a ‘new project’ you mean a new Ableton Live Set?

What often helps is if we can run your Live Set on one of our own machines. Perhaps you can share (parts of) you set with us? I’ll send you an email about this.

Sorry again and hopefully we can find out what went wrong!
