Livegrabber Windows 10 support

I’m really excited to use Livegrabber, but it appears to be incompatible with Windows 10. I installed Java and even Bonjour for Windows hoping that those would make it work, but it still doesn’t. Any chance someone could give a pointer on working with Windows 10? Thanks!

Hi David,

Thanks for your report, we haven’t tested Livegrabber on Windows 10 yet. We will look into it as soon as some time opens up and we get our hands on a Windows 10 license.

In the mean time perhaps you could have a look at the Max window (right click plugin title bar, select Open Max Window) and see if there are any error messages there?


David, I had some Java/Win10 problems too, and they were fixed by installing manually and offiline both x86 and x64 updates of JRE (thoug I’m using the 64bit OS)

Here’s the link

I hope it helps!


Installing x86 fixed it. Thanks for your advice! :grinning: