Installation failed

macOS 10.14.6
Ableton Live Suite 11.1.1

Getting error: “Installation failed… Please restart Videosync and Ableton Live and try again. If the problem persists, please get in touch. User Library does not exist at /Volumes/Library/User Library”

What I tried so far:

  1. > Show package contents > copy ‘Control Surface’ folder to…
  2. Ableton Live 11 > Show package contents …/Midi Remote Scripts
  3. Renamed it to ‘Showsync’
  4. Launch Ableton & select Showsync control surface. Its there!

I think the installer is tripping up on the fact that my Ableton User Library exists at path /Volumes/Library/Ableton User Library/

Copying the Videosync plugins and demo files manually should be easy enough. But I can’t figure out where Videosync wants them to go exactly.

Thanks for reporting! And great that you managed to copy the control surface manually!

While the ‘Midi Remote Scripts’ folder does work, the location Videosync installs the control surface to is User Library/Remote Scripts/Showsync. You can create the Remote Scripts folder if it doesn’t exist already.

As for why Videosync has issues installing the control surface for you: could you check the location of the User Library in Live’s preferences? For example, the location looks like this for me:

Thank you!

Thanks for the Remote Scripts tip.

This is my User Library folder setup.


Anyway I renamed it to just ‘User Library’ and Videosync was able to run its setup. Hopefully in a future update, Videosync will be able to gracefully deal with custom User Library setups like mine.

Thank you. Live’s preferences look good, so I’ll make a ticket for this issue and will look into it.

In the meantime, copying the control surface manually is the best workaround. I hope users with similar issues will see this forum post and benefit from your report and insights. Thanks again for getting in touch!

Having the same problem… Or sort of. My user library is just called “Library” and I would like not to change anything that can break my other work. How can I install this without changing my user library name?


Thanks for jumping in Ole - this helped me connect some dots and I think our next update will fix this issue.

I just uploaded a first beta for 1.1.1 (build 131) here:
Can you give this version a try and let me know if this works for you?

After installation, you should be able to use the official 1.1.0 release. The only difference between the release and this beta is that the beta can handle User Libraries with a custom name.

Thanks again for the reports and all the information!

For any new readers; this issue was fixed and is now part of the stable release: Videosync 1.1.1

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How do I find installers for the m4l stuff? I can pull from the demo project but is that the way to do it?

If Videosync detects that the plugins haven’t been installed yet to the User Library, or when the installer contains a newer version of the plugins that are already in the User Library, the installer should open automatically once Videosync connects to Live.
In any other situation, you can click “Open Installer…” in the Videosync menu in the menu bar:

I’m having a similar issue. I’ve tried the solutions mentioned at the beginning, the beta and the Videosync > Open Installer and none of these have helped.

More info:

I’m on a Mac (Apple Silicon M2) running Sonoma OS 14.1.1
I keep my data on an external drive labeled “Glacier”
The path to my User Library is Glacier > Ableton > User Library
The path I have created is: /Volumes/Glacier/Ableton/User Library/Remote Scripts/Showsync
The files in the Showsync directory are:

I installed version 1.3 and the new beta version specified above. When i use the Videosync > Open Installer option, it opens the installer. When I click continue it opens a screen that says “installing control surface” and the progress bar has a sort of animated gradient. However, nothing happens. I’ve let it run for over 5 minutes and it just doesn’t do anything.

Any other ideas?


OK, looks like some sleep did me good. :slight_smile:

Following steps seemed to work:

  1. In system settings, I have Showsync Full DIsk Access (Settings > Full Disk Access)

Step 1 opened up an animated pane that showed me to look for Showsync in my midi controllers in the midi section of Live Settings. It was not there.
So, to resolve this I searched online and found the below page from Ableton and began

Step 2. I followed the manuakl instructions here:

Restarted Ableton, ran the Showsync installer and voila, it’s working now.

The full disk access definitely opened the door for me there.



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