Eurolite LED TMH-17 (11 channel mode) fixture profile


I recently bought 2 Eurolite LED TMH-17 Moving Head Spots, and I want to use them on stage in addition to my previous Fun Generation Mr Beam 4 heads bar.

Unfortunately, I can’t find the Eurolite LED TMH-17 fixture profile files for the 11-channel mode in the library.
Could you help me and send it to me ?

Additionnally, do you have any advice concerning the use of different devices together ( 2 Eurolites spots + 1 Fun Generation bar ), the process in Beam ?

Thanks a lot for your precious help

Just one more detail :
When you helped me with my Fun Generation Mr Beam fixture, I had an issue with the fixture because I wanted to have direct manual control over the white channel, and so you made me a fixture profile that allows for that (RGB+W and not RGBW I think).
On the Eurolites LED TMH-17, I would also like to have this manual control over the white channel, so if you could allow that in the fixture profile, it would be amazing !!

Thanks again a million times to take the time to help me !
Have a nice day

Already answered this one via e-mail, but for anyone that might need this profile:
Eurolite TMH-17 - 11ch.sbf (1.5 KB)

Note: This fixture has a colorwheel with color filter flags, so separately controlling the intensity of white or RGB is not possible.

Hi Luka !

I’m working with my Eurolite TMH-17 fixture you sent to me some months ago, and everything works very well, but I got one little issue.

The sensibility of the light intensity of the spot is not perfect. I’m used to work with my Fun Generation Mr Beam rack, and when I shut down a light progressively it smoothly decreases until disappearing. But with the Eurolite spots, it decreases until a certain point and then shut down brutally. Same thing when I want to make the light appear gently, it can’t, it appears brutally.

Is it possible that something went bad in the fixture you made for me and lead to this behavior ? Can you do something about it or maybe help me to understand my issue ?

Another small thing but also a bit annoying… if I move the spot very slowly, (pan or tilt) the movement is not smooth, it becomes jerky. Can I do something about that, can it be solved in the fixture or elsewhere ?

Thanks again for your help, it’s so precious to me !!


Hi Noemie,

The sensibility of the light intensity of the spot is not perfect. I’m used to work with my Fun Generation Mr Beam rack, and when I shut down a light progressively it smoothly decreases until disappearing. But with the Eurolite spots, it decreases until a certain point and then shut down brutally. Same thing when I want to make the light appear gently, it can’t, it appears brutally.

I double-checked the fixture profile for Eurolite TMH-17 I sent you and when observing the DMX channels in Beam’s Monitor, all the channels seem to be responding correctly, as in: gradually turning Intensity from 0. to 1. on a Beam device results in DMX values gradually/linearly going from 0 to 255.

I suggest creating a new Live Set, adding just a single Generic device that controls the tag assigned to your Eurolite TMH-17 and with Beam’s Monitor open, observing the values of the 8th channel (Intensity) while controlling Intensity of a Generic device. If that looks smooth, but the actual intensity of the light goes abruptly from on to off at some point (e.g. between 0 and 1 DMX), the reason is probably the dimming curve of your fixture. It is unfortunately very common for cheaper (especially LED-based) fixtures to not have a very smooth response in the low intensity range, with the transition from ON to OFF often quite notable.

If you do notice the abruptness also in Beam’s Monitor, please share your patch & Live Set.

Another small thing but also a bit annoying… if I move the spot very slowly, (pan or tilt) the movement is not smooth, it becomes jerky. Can I do something about that, can it be solved in the fixture or elsewhere ?

Try increasing the Pan/Tilt Speed channel (pantiltspeed), with higher values corresponding to a slower speed, meaning that the moving head takes longer to move from one position to another.

Hope this helps.