Compatibility with Advatek PixLite 16 Long Range Mk2 and the likes

Hello there !

I’m really thinking into buying your great software but first I needed to know:

Would it be possible to make it work with a controller like the PixLite 16 Long Range Mk2 from advatek ?
I already use it for the Led walls DMX channels and it has 4 other normal DMX outputs available.

I haven’t tested yet but I believe the device acts as an artnet or SACN server so maybe this should work ?

Thanks a lot

Hi, thanks for reaching out!

Beam can output any number of Art-Net universes (sACN is currently not yet supported), so you should be able to use it to control your pixel controller.

Before buying, please test this yourself using the trial version and let me know if you need any help.

Thanks for the reply, I’ll have a go at it !

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