Bug – No playback when ‘Play again’ follow action

This appears to be a strange bug. Video playback works perfectly with the clip set to warp + loop. However, if I just want to loop without warp, i.e. play the video at 1x, I can’t. Turn off warp, video plays once. Turn on ‘Play again’ follow action, no video!? Any other follow action: video plays as expected.

Hey Toby, this is a known limitation, as described in the Videosync manual. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about this until Ableton addresses this issue.

That’s annoying (for you too!). Is there any workaround? My knowledge of Ableton is pretty shallow, I’m guessing I’ll have to keep warp on to enable loop, and futz with the bpm or something?

Any workaround would require not to use the “Play Again” or “Any” follow actions. I suppose putting the same clip in two slots on top of each other could work, while using “Next” and “Previous” follow actions.
With Warp and Loop enabled it could work just fine, as long as there is no tempo automation going on while playing the clips, as that would change their playback speed.

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