Cannot get Video Simpler to play video

I’m using midi clips to trigger videos in a drum rack using Video Simpler. Unfortunately, I cannot get the device to work anymore.

Screen shows that it’s connected and the device says Not Connected to Videosync (on every video).

Making a new midi channel with the Video Simpler separate from the group has the same error.
Playing a video as a clip in an Audio Channel runs through the video playback window perfectly!

I’m at a loss… would love any other suggestions of what to do :slight_smile:

Hi there, welcome to the forum!

Do you have the Max (for Live) application open by chance while using Videosync? If yes, and if you close Max, does this resolve the issue (restart Videosync afterwards, just to be sure)?

I’m having the same issue but maybe it’s because I’m running two instances of Live at the same time? Tell me it’s possible to run videosync on two instances at the same time…

Hi and welcome to the forum!

Yes, you’re correct. Because of the way Videosync (as well as Beam) integrates with Live (as a separate application through the Control Surface) running two Ableton Live apps at the same time is expected not to work and is not supported.